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~ New York Firefighters Department (09/11) ~
17 février 2011

A day who began like any other...


On September 11th 2001, the TV news shows a video about the world trade center. On this, we can see one of the two towers, and a plane that enters into the towers and explodes. It was so awesome !!
But the horror don't stop here, because a second plane entered in the second tower then a third !

That was a real mission for the firefighters. Indeed, in the towers, that was a real carnage since there were big debris, dark smoke...

It is difficult to imagine a more dangerous situation 'cause the twins towers were like a castlecard. Inside of them, altough the NYFD had their oxygen mask, they had difficulty breathing...
The situation was as catasrophic as peoples had like last resort, suicide.. rubble409_11_01
It was so sad !

That's why they had a reward for be brave since they were in the tower despite the current situation !

Actually, they were capable of stop the fire, save lifes, giving assurance to peoples..

Although these people were just simple firefighters, at the eyes of the world, they are, like super-man or captain US, veritables super- heroes !!!


NEVER FORGET..  9/11..


~ New York Firefighters Department (09/11) ~